Squat execution checklist


  • Exercise bike 100-150 watts, 5 min

    • Get those quads warmed up, ideally use the handles to get the upper body going as well. Get off your phone and focus on intentional breathing.

  • Quarter Squat Pallof Press with rotation x10

    • Maintain the ribs down and neutral spine.

  • Behind the neck lat pulldown - 5 reps, 5 sec iso hold

    • Emulating the shelf you need to create and sensitizing to lat tension.

Set up and walk out

  • Hand placement not too far, not too wide.

  • Press big toe and heel down to flatten foot. Set feet at shoulder width if doing a walk out.

  • Pull scapulas together and down. Otherwise think of pulling your elbows together.

  • Pull bottom of ribs toward spine with a slight breath out, push out into obliques (hold this position from now till rerack), aka breath and brace

  • Slight hinge in unrack and extend only the knees

  • Walk out

    • Left foot straight back

    • Right foot straight back with correct foot angle

    • Left foot out to desired width and foot angle


  • Continue maintaining a lot of the set up steps above (feet flat, elbows together, breath n brace)

  • Slight hinge in hips already

  • Break at hips and knees simultaneously

  • Allow knees to track freely over the foot

    • Do not overcue external rotation of knee/foot/hip, makes life harder on your adductors

  • Hit depth ;)

  • Retake breath while maintaining the brace at the top


Bench execution checklist


Cold Plunge/Sauna Protocol