Tips for better sleep

Routine and Environment

  • Establish a goal bedtime (9pm) and an absolute minimum bedtime that is 90 minutes after. We are still trying to hit that goal bedtime because that gets us 8:30 of time in bed but pending work or finishing out an episode of a show with the spouse. This gives you enough wiggle room to balance life and performance.

  • No food, weed, or alcohol within 2 hours of bedtime.

  • No caffeine after 12pm and within 90 minutes of waking. Replace with water and juice.

  • Breathwork app pre-bed. Only takes 3 minutes.

  • White noise app, I use rain.

  • Room temp 65-69 degrees.

  • I prefer some type of light fan in the room to circulate air.

  • We already know you're gonna watch TV before bed, but at least go to the settings on your iPhone and turn on "Night Shift", this filters out the blue light.

  • Replace some bulbs in your house with edison bulbs. These are warm white lights I'd have on later in the evening/night when you're trying to wind down. Cool white lights are brighter and contain the blue we are wanting to avoid.

  • Switch from night shift to morning shift


  • Pillow Wedge

  • Down Comforter

  • Memory foam pillows

  • Mattress Topper


  • ZMA

  • GABA

  • Ashwagandha

  • L-Theanine

Medical Intervention and Prescriptions

  • Trazodone - common sleep drug, for those with anxiety and racing thoughts

  • Sleep study - I got myself tested to see if I needed a cpap, turns out I just twitch a lot so I had to be prescribed an anticonvulsant. Lesson here is that you can find out what’s going on and address it.

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy - Seeing a therapist to address why and how you are having racing thoughts.


General Prehab Protocols